
Bankruptcies and hearings on compositions without bankruptcies 2016

During 2016 the district courts delivered judgments on 6,335 bankruptcies, 6,019 of which concerned companies (including sole proprietorships), 118 related to private individuals and 218 to estates of deceased persons. The number of corporate bankruptcies fell by 6% compared with 2015. 16,339 employees were affected by bankruptcies, which represents an increase of 6% compared with 2015.

Allocated according to corporate form, there were 5,270 bankruptcies in limited companies, 219 in partnerships and 530 among sole proprietorships.

Bankruptcies fell by 4% in limited companies and by 11% among sole proprietorships. Bankruptcies fell by 38% in partnerships.

The manufacturing industry saw 350 bankruptcies, which is a fall of 8%. Bankruptcies in the construction industry increased by 2% to 1,069. Bankruptcies within commerce fell by 13% to 1,332 companies. There were 429 bankruptcies in the hotel and restaurant sector, a decrease of 8%. Among companies within finance-, real estate-, leasing- and other business services, bankruptcies fell by 4%, which means that 1,268 companies were declared bankrupt in 2016.

There were 2,103 corporate bankruptcies in Stockholm county, an increase of 5%. In Västra Götaland county bankruptcies fell by 13% to 885, and in Skåne county 828 companies were declared bankrupt, a decrease of 17%.

There were 182 judicial compositions during the year compared with 160. There were 8,168 employees in the companies compared with 3,123 in 2015.

Bankruptcies and hearings on compositions without bankruptcies 2016

Serial number: Statistics 2017:01

Reference number: 2017/049

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