
Newly-started enterprises in Sweden 2008

The number of newly started enterprises in 2008 amounted to 57 801, which represents a decrease of 1 per cent compared with 2007. A third of the new enterprises were started in the industry classification Financial intermediation and other company services, for example, administrative and technical consultancy, and slightly less than a quarter in Education, health and medical care, as well as other societal and personal services , such as media/culture, recreation and healthcare companies. 

Of newly started enterprises in 2008, 31 per cent had their headquarters in the County of Stockholm, 16 per cent in the County of Västra Götaland and 14 per cent in the County of Skåne. Compared with 2007 the number of new establishments increased by 2 per cent in the County of Stockholm, whilst in the County of Västra Götaland there was a decrease of 2 per cent, and in the County of Skåne virtually no change.

The average number of employees (full-time, part-time including working owners) in newly started enterprises amounted in 2008 to 1.7 persons per enterprise.

The number of enterprises started by one or more women amounted in 2008 to 18 368 or 32 per cent of all newly started enterprises. The corresponding proportion in 2007 was 31 per cent. The number of enterprises started by women and men jointly amounted to 3 876, or 7 per cent of all newly started enterprises. The corresponding proportion in 2007 was 6 per cent. 

In 2008 the number of enterprises started by a person of foreign origin amounted to 9 762. The number of new enterprise owners with a foreign background in 2008 as a proportion of all newly started enterprises in 2008 amounted to 17 per cent, compared to 16 per cent in the previous year.

About 14 000 or 24 per cent of new enterprises started in 2008 were limited companies. The corresponding proportion in 2007 was 23 per cent.

Newly-started enterprises in Sweden 2008

Serial number: Statistics 2009:05

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