Newly-started enterprises in Sweden 2014
A total of 71,668 new enterprises were established in 2014 compared to 69,242 in 2013, an increase of 3.5 per cent.
Distributed by industry, 15 per cent of the new enterprises were in automotive trade and service, and 10 per cent in both building and construction and legal and financial consulting.
Compared to 2013, the number of start-ups increased by 18 per cent in finance, insurance and real estate, and by 16 per cent in agriculture, forestry and fishing.
In relation to the number of existing enterprises, the renewal rate was highest in rental/leasing, staffing, tourism, security guard services and other office services, with 12.7 per cent new enterprises per 100 existing enterprises. The renewal rate was also 12.7 per cent enterprises per 100 existing enterprises in the education category.
Just under 27,000, or 38 per cent, of the new enterprises in 2014 were set up as public limited companies. Compared to 2013 the number of public limited companies increased by 11 per cent.
Distributed by industry category and type of legal entity, 73 per cent of the enterprises in financial, legal and insurance activities were established as public limited companies.
The proportion of enterprises set up by women was 34 per cent, unchanged compared to 2013. Regarding individual industry categories, the highest proportions of enterprises set up by women can be found in other service enterprises and personal services and in healthcare and social care, with 73 per cent and 57 per cent respectively.
Distributed by county and gender, the proportion of new enterprises set up by women was 37 per cent in the counties of Dalarna and Gotland, the highest figures in the country.
Distributed by age group, the proportion of enterprises set up by women was highest in the 21 to 25 age group with 39 per cent. In the over 60 age group, 23 per cent of the enterprises were set up by women.
32 per cent of the enterprises set up in 2014 were in Stockholm County, 16 per cent in Västra Götaland County and 14 per cent in Skåne County. Compared to 2013, the number of new start-ups increased by 6 per cent in Stockholm County, while their number remained almost unchanged in Västra Götaland and Skåne. The number of new start-ups increased by 12 per cent in Västmanland County, 11 per cent in Norrbotten County and 10 per cent in Dalarna County.
The establishment frequency for start-up enterprises shows the number of start-ups in relation to the population. Distributed by county, establishment frequency was highest in Stockholm County with 16.1 enterprises per 1,000 inhabitants aged 16 to 64, followed by Gotland with 12.7 enterprises per 1,000 inhabitants. The lowest establishment frequency, 8.8 per cent, is found in Västerbotten County.
The establishment frequency in the country as a whole was 11.9 per cent new enterprises per 1,000 inhabitants.
Newly-started enterprises in Sweden 2014
Serial number: Statistics 2016:01
Reference number: 2016/050