Swedish infrastructure for innovation and business dynamics

A healthy business climate is central to generating growth and developing a well functioning and multifaceted infrastructure.

Bild som beskriver svensk infrastruktur för innovationsförmåga och näringslivsdynamik

Laws, rules and taxes together constitute important framework conditions for companies and enterprise. They can facilitate or obstruct innovation, structural transformation and entrepreneurship. At the same time, physical infrastructure, in the form of communications and housing, has an effect on the opportunities for agglomeration economies to emerge. The educational system and Sweden’s attractiveness to a highly qualified workforce In turn influence the range of human capital. In international comparisons, Sweden is generally regarded as a country with a favourable business climate, at the same time as specific areas such as the housing market, the planning permission process, marginal taxes and integration are mentioned as difficulties from a growth perspective. Growth Analysis studies infrastructure issues so that it is able to contribute greater knowledge about how the government can proceed in order to ensure an even better innovation and business climate.

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