
Bankruptcies and hearings on composition without bankruptcy 2009

During 2009, the district courts issued decisions on 7 892 bankruptcies, of which 7 638 involved companies and 254 involved private persons. This represented an increase of 21 per cent compared with 2008 for
companies, but a reduction of 16 per cent for private persons. During 2009 the number of bankruptcy-related job losses amounted to 29 095, an increase of 50 per cent compared with 2008. Unless otherwise stated, all
comparisons relate to the preceding year of 2008.

By type of business, bankruptcies of limited companies increased by 28 per cent, whilst among other company forms (including sole proprietorships) there was a reduction of 5 per cent. Bankruptcies of limited companies amounted to 6 428 in number, in sole proprietorships 765, and in partnerships etc the figure amounted to 445.

The increase in the number of bankruptcies by 21 per cent during 2009 can be compared to changes during the period 1989 to 1992. During each of these years, the rate of increase was higher, and reached its peak in 1991 when the number of company bankruptcies increased by 76 per cent.

Bankruptcies and hearings on composition without bankruptcy 2009

Serial number: Statistics 2010:01

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