Newly-started enterprises in Sweden 2016
The number of start-up enterprises in 2016 totalled 71,825 compared to 70,135 in 2015, an increase of 2 per cent.
Allocated by sector, the largest increases were within Transport and Warehousing at 19 per cent and within Finance, Insurance and Real Estate at 10 per cent.
In relation to the number of existing companies, the number of renewals was highest (apart from unspecified sector) within the areas of Finance, insurance and real estate and Letting, staffing services, tourism, security and other office services, with respectively 12.8 and 11.8 companies per 100 existing companies.
Allocated by legal form, 44 per cent of the new enterprises in 2016 were set up as limited companies. Compared with 2015, the number of limited companies increased by 8 per cent.
The proportion of enterprises started by women amounted to 32 per cent compared to 66 per cent by men. Information about gender was not available for 2 per cent of the companies.
Allocated by sector and gender, 75 per cent of the enterprises within the group Other service companies and personal services were started by women. About half of the enterprises within the sectors Other specialised consultancies and veterinary services, Education and Care and welfare were started by women.
About 90 per cent of the enterprises within Construction and installation, and Transport and warehousing were started by men
In comparison with 2015, the number of start-ups increased by 5 per cent in Stockholm County and by 1 per cent in Västra Götaland County. The number of start-ups in Skåne County fell by 2 per cent.
The number of start-up enterprises increased by 13 per cent in Norrbotten County.
The establishment frequency for start-up enterprises shows the number of start-ups in relation to the population. Allocated by county, the establishment frequency was highest in Stockholm County with 16.1 enterprises per 1,000 inhabitants between 16 and 64 years of age, followed by, Jämtland and Gotland Counties respectively with 12.3 per 1,000 inhabitants.
Allocated by county and gender, the proportion of enterprises started by women totalled 34 per cent in Stockholm County, the highest proportion in the country.
Allocated by age groups, the number of start-ups decreased by 8 per cent in the group aged below 21. In the groups aged 41 to 45 and 51 to 55, the number of start-up enterprises increased by 5 per cent.
The proportion of enterprises started by women was highest in the age groups up to 30 years old, with the proportion exceeding 35 per cent.
Newly-started enterprises in Sweden 2016
Serial number: Statistik 2017:07
Reference number: 2017/119
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