The Swedish Agency for Growth Policy Analysis’ (Growth Analysis) working paper series presents research reports that are written as parts of our framework projects. These materials are produced in association with external researchers, and are reviewed in accordance with the usual manner applied within academia. The opinions expressed in a working paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Growth Analysis.
The Role of Environmental Policy and Public Innovation subsidies in Promoting Green Patenting in Sweden
This report examines the impact of public innovation subsidies and the EU Emission Trading Scheme (E...
WP 2024:03 -
Indirect effects of R&D subsidies: labour mobility as a channel for knowledge spillovers
While R&D spillovers has been a central argument for public support of private R&D activities, less ...
WP 2024:02 -
SBTi emission targets and risk-adjusted portfolio return
Applying a portfolio approach, this paper investigates the financial importance of voluntarily discl...
WP 2023:03 -
Assessing the welfare effects of electricity tax exemptions in general equilibrium: The case of Swedish data centers
This paper is the first to analyze welfare impacts of data center support in a general equilibrium s...
WP 2023:04 -
Work from home and big city out-migration before and after the pandemic
Many argue that the big and sudden shift to work from home following the pandemic can lead to large ...
WP 2023:05 -
Does subsidizing transport help localized disadvantaged firms?
The regional freight transport subsidy (RFTS), as one important component of place-based policy, is ...
WP 2024:01 -
Klimat och social hållbarhet integreras i aktieportföljer inom skogsindustrin utan negativ effekt på avkastningen
This paper investigates how optimal portfolios of timber & forestry stocks perform relative to the g...
WP 2023:02 -
Evaluation of the tax incentive for private investors in Sweden
Governments around the world have introduced angel investor tax credits to stimulate equity financin...
WP 2023:01 -
The long-term effects of R&D subsidies on firm performance:
Evidence from a regression discontinuity design Innovation is the most important factor for economic growth, but the government’s ability to affect ...
WP 2022:02 - Evaluation of the R&D Tax Incentives in Sweden WP 2022:01
Evaluating the Impact on Labor Earnings of Higher Vocational Education
International bodies such as the EU and the OECD have repeatedly advocated improved opportunities fo...
WP 2021:03 -
Is Corporate Social Responsibility investing a free lunch?
We analyse the relationship between ESG, tail risk, and upside potential of stocks before and during...
WP 2021:02 -
Housing markets and geographical labour mobility to high
productivity regions: the case of Stockholm We analyse how conditions in the housing market affect labour mobility to the Stockholm region. The ...
WP 2021:01 -
Publicly funded R&D, collaboration and patent activity
In this study, we examined the effects of the research and innovation program of Sweden’s innovation...
WP 2020:04 -
Productivity effects of knowledge transfers through inter-firm labour mobility
The authors of this working paper conclude that labour mobility is an important mechanism for the tr...
WP 2020:03 -
Wholesale firms
A catalyst for Swedish exports? This paper examines the role of wholesale firms as facilitators of exports for small
and medium-sized...
WP 2020:01 -
R&D subsidies and diversification in new industries and technologies in Swedish regions: a study of
VINNOVA programs 2010-2012 This project takes up the question: is there any evidence that R&D grants might induce regional dive...
WP 2020:02 -
Wholesale firms: A catalyst for Swedish exports?
This paper examines the role of wholesale firms as facilitators of exports for small and medium-size...
WP 2020:01 -
Graduate migration, self-selection and urban wage premiums across the regional hierarchy
Based on migration of university graduates between regional labour markets in Sweden, this paper sho...
WP 2019:03 -
The impact of ESG on Stocks' Downside Risk and Risk Adjusted Return
ESG ratings of companies' social responsibility play an increasingly important role in investment de...
WP 2019:02